The midterm is a graduate level paper. It should be 6 pages, excluding the title page and the list of references (Bibliography). Make sure to read and follow all directions.
Please select a company from among the ones listed below (see Readings in Module 4 for Case Assignment: Ikea, Instagram or
The student will select one of the 3 cases and will focus on the ethical issue in the required articles. The choices are: Ikea: illegal logging in their supply chain Instagram: health problems for young users, as demonstrated by whistle blower at congressional hearing substandard work conditions for its warehouse employees, as identied by OSHA For best results, please make sure to answer all the questions, You are a business analyst, analyzing an ethical breakdown and developing educated proposals, based on expertise and reputable resources.
It is recommended to conduct further research of facts about the rm and its ethical problem that you select among the 3 listed below: IKEA (Inter IKEA Holding) Cain, A. (2022, February 19). Ikea has come under re over allegations it’s eating up ancient forests in Romania. Business Insider. Jaay, C. (2024, September 6). IKEA in the spotlight: Flatpack furniture linked to ‘systematic destruction’ of Romanian forests. EuroNews. Lehren, A. W., De Luce, D., & Schecter, A. (2021, July 14). Ikea Likely to have sold furniture linked to illegal logging in forests crucial to Earth’s climate, report says. NBC News. Instagram Bursztynsky, J. & Feiner, L. (2021, September 14).
Facebook documents show how toxic Instagram is for teens, Wall Street Journal reports. CNBC. Gibson, K. (2023, November 27). Meta sued by states, claiming Instagram and Facebook cause harm in children and teens. CBS News. Cerullo, M. (2024, May 15). Half of Amazon warehouse workers struggle to cover food, housing costs, report nds. CBS News. US Department of Labor. (2023, February 1). US Department of Labor nds Amazon exposed workers to unsafe conditions, ergonomic hazards at three more warehouses in Colorado, Idaho, New York. US Department of Labor. As an MBA, you are a business analyst. It is required to analyze the facts, using theories and concepts from reputable sources, beyond the Internet. Most Internet resources are not vetted by experts. The readings and research in the excellent Touro library are strongly recommended. Reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed and top practitioner journal articles, are vetted by experts. Required readings articles are strongly recommended.
The paper is 5 – 8 pages long, excluding the bibliography and appendices. The case midterm paper should cite and utilize 4 – 5 reputable articles. Introduction: It is the roadmap, explaining what the paper does (such as select a company, discuss ethical dilemma, analyze the ethical debacle using theories of business ethics, propose educated solutions, etc.) . Stay focused on actual issue and paper roadmap. It is brief yet includes main aspects of the paper to follow.
Main Body
- 1. Identify and briey discuss the main ethical problems & concerns regarding the selected company and its ethical breakdown.
- 2. How did these ethical problems develop and who was responsible?
- 3. How could the ethical problems have been avoided?
- 4. Identify and apply reputable theories and concepts, including concepts & theories of business ethics that are relevant and applicable to the company ethical breakdown. Analyze the situation, using reputable business ethics’ theories.
- 5. As a business analyst, what would you recommend the rm to do, in order toeect change and become ethical: apply & discuss relevant theories &concepts as you do so.
Conclusions: Sum up the main points of the paper. Bibliography List of references (using the APA style) Guidelines: The paper will be 6 – 8 pages long, except title page and list of references (bibliography). The APA style for referencing, in text, as well as to format the bibliography is required at the graduate level. The paper will be written in narrative and not in list format. You can use appendices, if there are additional issues you may want to add. Write the paper in Word double-spaced. In order to streamline the paper, use titles and subtitles (use questions as titles/subtitles).
The introduction is a mere roadmap, informing the reader what the paper will do. The conclusions merely sum up the main points of the paper. Include 4-5 references from the Touro library and Module 4 Readings (cite each at least once).
It is recommended to utilize peer-reviewed and top practitioner journals articles (as those in the readings). Referencing in APA is required both in text and the bibliography This is a user-friendly APA site: Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). APA style introduction. Purdue University.